The Process

Thinking of selling? -I will provide you with some insights into the many factors that affect a selling
decision. Various factors can affect the real estate market including economics, interest rates and the general
supply and demand. Regardless of these factors, remember that the best time to sell is always when you’re

Getting ready– I will help you understanding the market conditions, provide you with your own
Comparable Market analysis. Also having all your documents in place will ensure the selling process runs
smoothly. I will provide you with some valuable information on getting your home ready for showing,
making repairs before you sell, and ensuring the “showing” of your home goes smoothly.

Marketing your home– Your Home will be marketed fully, all social media ( Facebook, LinkedIn,
Instagram),  Yard signs, Open houses and marketing and more.

Offers-I walk you through the offer process, understanding the specific items on an offer to purchase, along
with knowing what to look for when you hire a lawyer. In addition, there are five key reasons why a home is
not selling in a good market.

Closing-While your home has sold; we will review items that need to be completed, including adjustments,
net proceeds, closing costs and possession date and Movers.